12 March 2010

hate: weak handshakes

there may be times when a weak handshake is excusable, like a hand injury... but barring a medical problem it really annoys me. when a man does it, it makes me think he hasn't been properly schooled or he's just not confident. when a woman does it (especially to another woman), it really pisses me off. i think it's condescending. it often triggers the evil eye on my part. it's worse when she doesn't fully emerge her hand into the shake... when she almost places it in that position where the top of her hand is facing upward, and she is only using the tips of her fingers... as if she's expecting someone to kiss it. if i'm in a good mood, i can just laugh it off (and judge her in my head). if i'm not in a good mood, then i like to conjure images of tightly squeezing her fingers together, pulling her close... and then head butting her. fortunately i am a civilized person with excellent manners (who is almost always in a good mood!)

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